Thursday, September 13, 2007

Post 1.3

And here we are again:

  1. Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully.
  2. Whenever I hear someone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong compulsion to see it visited upon them.
  3. You love her, and she loves him, and he loves somebody else, you just can't win.
  4. Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.
  5. There are paths that are not taken; there is terrain for which one does not contend; there are orders from the high command that are not followed.


Mike H said...

I am a big fan of Abraham Lincoln, on many levels. He is an excellent study on how history is written by the victors. With that said, here are a couple of facts concerning Abraham Lincoln:

His initial idea on how to implement the abolition of slavery was to ship all black-skinned people back to the Caribbean/Africa, as appropriate. (editor's note: funny how easy it is to ensure that all men are equal if a particular demographic is just "not here")

During the American Civil War, President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus. (editor's note: and we think the Patriot Act is inequitable (and rightfully so).)

mathgeek said...

Because I began this trip on a Tuesday, I feel a need to shore things up for this week (no K-type shoring...promise.)

Thus, sometime this afternoon, I will post a second set of quotes for the day. I've no doubt you'll both like the one I've selected for #2. It's long, but important. And no, it's not the Gettysburg Address :)

Ahh...suspense. Or annoyance. I guess both serve my purpose. Oh, the pleasures of being without purpose :)

P said...

I know the power of compound interest and I still carry a balance on my credit cards from month to month. That is not smart. Damn materialism and intantanious gratification with credit.