Saturday, September 15, 2007

Post 1.6

In answer to Dave's earlier comment, I have opted for a 7-day week...almost. In truth, my plan is to post quotes Monday through Saturday and to reveal their common authors and/or themes on Sunday. I hope this meets with your approval. Here's your daily dose:

  1. In order to live free and happily, you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice.
  2. There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law.
  3. The rule for all of us is perfectly simple. Do not bother wondering whether you love your neighbor...act as if you did.
  4. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.
  5. History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.

1 comment:

mathgeek said...

My guess is that the author/speaker of that statement would have argued that your statement is synonymous...but it's just a guess. Perspective isn't everything...but it's damn close.