Monday, September 24, 2007

Post 3.1

My apologies for the coming to you so late with this. Lea is headed to San Francisco today and much of the morning was spent getting everything together and seeing her off. She'll be back in a few days, but I think absence (let alone abstinence) making the heart grow fonder is a bunch of crap. At all events, here's your daily dose:
  1. Some people see through the eyes of the old before they ever get a look at the young.
  2. Man has only those rights he can defend.
  3. All happy families are the same; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
  4. Most teachers have little control over school policy or curriculum or choice of texts or special placement of students, but most have a great deal of autonomy inside the classroom. To a degree shared by only a few other occupations, such as police work, public education rests precariously on the skill and virtue of the people at the bottom of the institutional pyramid.
  5. In the company of friends, writers can discuss their books, economists the state of the economy, lawyers their latest cases, and businessmen their latest acquisitions, but mathematicians cannot discuss their mathematics at all. And the more profound their work, the less understandable it is.

1 comment:

mathgeek said...

If two entries share the same theme, it is unintentional. One of the side-effects of not telling you about source right away is that you'll guess...and one of the side-effects of your looking for relationships is that you will inevitably see some that aren't there. That, too, seems that it will be part of the least for me :)