Friday, September 28, 2007

Post 3.5

Looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow in Osceola. To those I don't see, I hope to see you soon enough. I'm flying again (after my elbow injury sidelined me for a bit) and should be doing solo cross-country flights soon enough. I'm not sure Cedar Rapids is within my purview, but I'll get as close as I can. Anyway, here's your daily dose:
  1. Some people run from a possible fight, some people figure they can never win.
  2. The Oprah-fication of America ended when the Menendez brothers weren't convicted. The pendulum has swung, Adam. People don't care about why anymore, they just care about what.
  3. It was an early Easter. Sledging was only just over; snow still lay in the yards; and water ran in streams down the village street.
  4. Wit is educated insolence.
  5. Except in mathematics, the shortest distance between two points is seldom a straight line.

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