Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Post 1.1

As I am sure only a select group of people are reading this, let me apologize to them for both my blatant attempt to join the swelling ranks of bloggers in our group and my hollow attempt to avoid actually blogging. What I'd like to do here, assuming any of you have interest in such things, is simple. Each day, for as long as I remember to do it, I plan to post five quotes. They will generally be short, will not be annotated in any way, and will come from everywhere and, quite possibly, nowhere. (If you, for some reason, require annotation for one of more, feel free to send me an email.) My goal is to see what discussion they generate from among us. I like reading what you all think...let's try expending said intellectual fuel on something that means almost nothing for a change.

A further word of apology...I dislike numbered lists as a rule, but it does seem to be the best way to ensure no one is confused about where one quote ends and the next begins. That may change once I get the hang of this.

Here's your list for today:

  1. Argue your limitations, and sure enough they're yours.
  2. If I were two-faced, do you think I'd be wearing this one?
  3. Love is a verb.
  4. To the extent that mathematics refers to the real world, it is not perfect. To the extent that mathematics is perfect, it does not refer to the real world.
  5. Despite everything...I still believe in the inner goodness of man.


Mike H said...

are we restricted to commenting on the quotes you have posted, or are you inviting us to add quotes of our own willy-nilly? I'm going to assume the former is the case.

#1: "Argue your limitations, and sure enough they're yours."

I completely agree. If there is even a hint of truth concerning the existence of a personal limitation, a person, more likely than not, will defend/rationalize why it is that they either do not possess said limitation or why it is not their fault that they have said limitation.

-- Mike

mathgeek said...

The are no restrictions on your comments. However, if you would like to see a specific quotation, I'd be happy to include it in a future posting. Just drop me an email and let me know that's what you're after.

mathgeek said...

I do what I can :)

J A Hynek said...

Quote #4 sounds a lot like Albert Einstein.