Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And so begins a new blog...

Hey everybody...which, to my knowledge, includes about 6 people...I have decided to, at least temporarily, change the structure of this blog. I have varied reasons for this, but the main one is that everything in my life seems to eventually sacrifice itself for my studies and this blog is no exception. I intend to get back to it as soon as feasible, though I cannot guarantee that it will look the same as before. A secondary point is that I, like all of you it seems, have decided to attempt to write a novel in November.

Let me, however, be clear about this. I make no commitment to finishing and I have absolutely no illusions about my ability to do anything beyond typing occasionally coherent sentences. I am doing this for exactly one reason: because my friend asked me to do so. As far as I can tell, my only purpose will be to serve as the perennial "at least I'm not as far behind as Mike" example for this exercise. And I'm happy to oblige.

At all events, I will make every effort to maintain the requisite pace and I will dutifully post my word count here in order to serve my purpose effectively. Good luck to all of you. I sincerely hope that everyone gets out of this what they want...or at least what they need. Don't be surprised if you see a lot of matrices and differential equations swimming around in my first draft.

Mike 2

1 comment:

mathgeek said...

Lol...Yes...shortly. Well, today anyway. Sorry to leave you hanging for a bit :)